YfGG Covid Support

On 31st december 2019, China registered its first case of one of the deadliest virus the world has ever witnessed. Coronavirus disease or COVID 19, put the entire world on a standstill. Loss of lives, loved ones not only affected people economically but also mentally. Coronavirus left us with no choice but to acknowledge the new normal i.e masking, social distancing and everything becoming virtual. From colleges to offices, schools to even weddings, everything shifted to the computer screens.
Just like the entire world, India’s condition was no different, covid 19 spread like a wildfire, engulfing lives of lakhs of people. During these testing times, along with the government, many youth came forward to give a helping hand. The Covid Relief team of Youth for Good Governance left no stone unturned and did as much as possible in providing aid and relief to the people who are directly and indirectly affected by the pandemic.
In the months of April and May 2021, when the 2nd wave of Covid 19 strucked India, there was an extreme shortage of oxygen cylinders, hospital beds and other medical aid. To tackle this problem efficiently and effectively the team of Youth for Good Governance created 5 different group to handle the situation in 5 different regions.

The team of YFGG created 5 different group ,namely :
1.YFGG Covid Support Bengaluru
2.YFGG Covid Support North
3.YFGG Covid Support South
4.YFGG Covid Support East
5.YFGG Covid Support West
The team worked day in and day out to obtain leads, verify them and provide them to the people who need it. Be it hospital beds, medicines, oxygen cylinders, ambulance or even last ride rituals, we tried to lend a hand to the needy.
When the hospitals, due to government policies, refused to keep the bodies of the deceased, the team helped in getting the mortuary.

Covid19 is not yet gone, let's do our part. Follow the rules, wear masks at all times, maintain social distancing.