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Bharat ka Amrit Mahotsav

On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, President Ram Nath Kovind launched a six-week campaign called the Pan India Awareness and Outreach Campaign from October2 to November 14. This campaign is being organized by the National legal Services Authority(NALSA) and the respective state legal services Authority to raise awareness about the functioning of legal service institutions and various NALSA schemes in addition to various NALSA schemes in addition to other important legislations. The legal Aid, Awareness Action Group team of Youth for good governance foundation has joined hands to create legal awareness amongst people, primarily students in 30 districts of Karnataka through association association with various government schools and colleges under the aid and aegis of the Karnataka state legal Services Authority(KSLSA).

In all the events the importance of the legal Services Authority Act 1987, the role of KSLSA, benefits and application of NALSA schemes, POCSO Act, NDPS act, Child marriage etc. was discussed along with the playing of the KSLSA theme song.


Name of legal Aid, Awareness and Action Group(LAAAG) members from Youth for Good Governance involved in the project

Nisha Harish

Garima BR


Gagana M

Amruth Anand


Name of Lawyer Panel Members called Resource Persons for the Webinars(Advocates)

Adv. Shirisha B Reddy

Adv. Gowri Belwadi

Adv. Siri Prasad

Adv. Anvita Harish

Adv. Adithya V Gujjar


  • The first webinar was held on 11th October 2021

  • Chief guest - Honorable Sri Justice Ajit J Gunjal (Former Judge High Court of Karnataka)

  • Topic- NALSA (Child-friendly legal services to children and their protection) Scheme 2015

  • Legislations discussed-     

    • POSCO Act

    • NDPS Act 

  • Socio-legal problems discussed-

    • Child Marriage

  • Activity Conducted on-

    • Preamble

    • Fundamental Rights, Duties

  •    The districts that participated are-

    • Davangere​

    • Tumakuru

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