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Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached.
~ Katha Upanishad

This thunderous and eternal message from Upanishads uttered in equally thunderous voice by Swami Vivekananda freely, frequently and vigorously, more than a century ago, roused the Indian nation from her deep slumber of centuries, and called upon her countrymen, especially the youth, to give their best for India’s spiritual and national renaissance. The youth of India must have a strong sense of moral responsibility towards their fellow citizens, especially those that are less fortunate than themselves. Youth of the country must be encouraged to fulfil their duties as citizens and thus create an environment in which all citizens enjoy the rights guaranteed in our Constitution.

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Our Projects
Visual Project
Village Transformation 
Project Management
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
My Internship Experience
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It was a great opportunity given by Youth for Good Governance Foundation to work under Chennai innovation hub for the innovative Development projects.

We learned many things about policy making and the implementation process in an urban local body like Greater Chennai Corporation. I worked for the solid waste management project of the Chennai city. I experienced the policy making process by being a part of Singara Chennai 2.0 project which aims to transform the Chennai city with innovative ideas and sustainable development. And I also learned about municipal bonds and the financial devolution process of an urban local body. 

It is such a pleasure to thank Mr. Sourav Mukherjee Co- Founder of YFGG and his team for giving me this internship opportunity in the time of pandemic and Mr. Mr. Azhagu Pandia Raja, Innovation Officer, GCC and C-HUB Team for encouraging us to be a part of Singara Chennai 2.0 project.

Ancy Siraj
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
My Internship Experience
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As a designated student of local government, my internship with Youth for Good Governance Foundation (YfGG) was my first field exposure. Despite the fact that the pandemic limited it to a virtual learning environment, the YfGG team in general, and Mr. Sourav Mukherjee in particular, ensured that the learning process was not hampered.

Myself and the team of five colleagues were assigned to the Greater Chennai Corporation's Innovation Officer (C-HUB Initiative) for the renowned project Singara Chennai 2.0. The flexible and fluid character of the work at C-HUB suited not just my academic schedule at RGNIYD but also the changing times. Through the internship, I was able to gain firsthand experience of the planning and implementation of development projects in big urban local bodies such as the GCC. I was able to offer my project ideas and learnt essential skills such as incorporating flow into the points while creating a project proposal or becoming a respected team member, among other things.

I can think of the following things I learnt during my internship that will assist me in my future endeavors. To begin, there is the possibility of citizen participation in government, or rather, citizen-driven governance. Other businesses could look towards measures like appointing an Innovation Officer to collect citizens' developmental ambitions in governance. Second, the importance of financial autonomy for local government, as well as how daring initiatives such as Muni bonds may have revolutionary effects on urban administration. (We had the good fortune of discovering this while working on a thorough study on municipal bonds). Finally, the importance of cities that are energy self-sufficient, as well as the potential for ideas like Land Art Generation (the project proposal I presented for C-HUB) to play a role in this. Finally, and most crucially, political leadership is required in urban governance. Only when choices are made by people themselves or via their representatives can the spirit and substance of local governance be realised. It is past time for state governments to begin holding regular elections in urban local bodies, including Chennai.

The fact that my colleagues and I gained so much knowledge through a virtual internship demonstrates the vitality of the YfGG Team, led by Mr. Sourav Mukherjee, and the C-HUB Team, led by Mr. Azhagu Pandia Raja, GCC's Innovation Officer. I used this opportunity to thank them for such a rewarding experience.

Adarsh J
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
My Internship Experience
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The internship with Youth for Good Governance Foundation (YfGG) was my first field exposure as a designated student of local governance. Though the pandemic restricted it to a virtual learning sphere, the (YfGG) team in general, and Mr. Sourav Mukherjee in particular, ensured it didn’t hamper the learning process.

Myself, as a part of a team of 5 colleagues were placed under the Innovation Officer of Greater Chennai Corporation (C-HUB Initiative) for the prestigious project, Singara Chennai 2.0. The flexible and fluid nature of the work in C-HUB was not just suitable to my academic schedule in RGNIYD, but also ideal for the changing times. Through the internship I got to know about the planning and working of developmental projects in a major Urban Local Body like the GCC, from inside. I was able to contribute my ideas for the project, and learned valuable lessons like building flow into the points while writing a project proposal or being a respected team player, etc. 


I can think of at least four things I learned from the internship which I can use in  future these are as follows:

Firstly, the potential of citizen involvement in governance or rather citizen-driven governance. Measures such as an Innovation Officer to collate the developmental aspirations of the citizenry in governance should be explored in other corporations as well.

Second, the need for financial autonomy for local governance, and how bold measures like Muni bonds can make revolutionary impacts in Urban governance. (We had the fortune to learn by making a detailed report on Muni bonds).


Third, the need for sustainable energy sufficient cities, and the scope for ideas like Land Art Generation (the project proposal I framed for C-HUB) in it. 


Lastly and most importantly, the need for political leadership in urban governance. The spirit and essence of local governance and can be delivered, only when the decisions are taken by people themselves or through their representatives. It is high time the respective state governments stand conducting regular polls in Urban Local Bodies, including Chennai.

The fact that me and my colleagues had such a learning experience from a virtual internship itself points to the dynamism of the (YfGG) Team under Mr. Sourav Mukherjee and the C-HUB Team under Mr. Azhagu Pandia Raja, Innovation Officer, GCC. I took this occasion to express my gratitude to them for such a fruitful journey.

Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
My Internship Experience
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This Internship has been such a growing experience for me. With such empathetic, compassionate and supportive mentors, this experience has helped me in achieving my goal of gaining practical experience. Now I am confident that I will continue to grow and develop professionally and in my personal endeavors. 

The internship helped me to make a better understanding on the process of Development of ideas and its implementation. It also helped me to get a better understanding about making project proposals and reports.The markable support and guidance from the side of coordinators from (YFGG) and (CHUB) helped in preparing studies on thrust areas and successful completion of internship. The internship fostered the skill of research and developed ideas on proper referencing. 

The internship and mentoring made a special favourable space to present personal ideas on a particular area and to improve the knowledge on the various developmental aspects of Chennai. I got an opportunity to know different dimensions of development and also about  the importance

 of Sustainable models of development and its impact on the society.  The Internship enhanced my communication and writing skills. Internship with YFGG was a better experience, which polished 

a lot of skills and development in all spheres 

MA-Local Governance and Development
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
My Internship Experience

As a student, I believe internship is one of the most crucial phases in the whole learning process. It has been two months since the internship with Youth for Good Governance (YfGG), I had an opportunity to be a part of Greater Chennai Corporation's novel project Singara Chennai 2.0. Owing to the pandemic, the internship happened in the Virtual setup.

Singara Chennai 2.0 is a city beautification project that aims at not only beautifying Chennai, generating revenue with its innovative features like food streets, Night markets but also helping people deal with the pandemic situation, community development, and slum development, waste management, etc.

I worked on a project with an estimated cost of 5 crores that displays waste management practices at public places that help to spread awareness among the public, bring about behavioral changes. I understood how important decentralization is, in policymaking and urban planning. I got to learn about municipal bonds, their working, and the case studies of cities that issued muni bonds.

Initially, the excitement to work as an intern took a concerning turn due to the pandemic, Since I wasn't sure about the experience and the practical exposure I would get in a Virtual internship. But I would like to thank the YfGG team, for making our experience better by being supportive.

The onboarding of the 'Teemyco' platform-The Youth for Good Governance Online Office was exciting.

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