4 students from Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development submitted reports after rigorous research and analysis. Their objectives and findings are the following

Village Development Plan Mahimangad (Agriculture, PDS and Electricity)

To identify the agricultural status of the village such as ongoing practices, availability of water, use of machinery, market facility etc.
To understand the availability of electricity such as numbers of electric households, availability of electricity in a day and electricity for agriculture etc.
To know the status of PDS in the villages and also facilities like availability of rations, number of beneficiaries, infrastructure facilities etc.
To find out the loop-holes in the three sectors by analyzing the above things
Try to provide the possible solution for the problems.
The intern concludes that the village has a lot of problems mainly lack of irrigational water, unemployment, Corruption etc, although it could be fixed through proper planning and steps, but if the villagers themselves does not aware and not take care of the resources, then the existing problems never going to be fixed.
Study on Mahimangad village’s Education & Health Sector (Under Village Development Plan)


To know about the educational status of that village.
To know status of health sector of that village.
To find out issues and challenges on the way of both sectors.
Intern was able to observe some issues and challenges along with some initiatives through the internship.

Here intern wants to conclude that, although that village, Mahimangad doing some great work for the development, but there is need of lots efforts, awareness, and cooperative spirit among the masses of that village to remove all the issues and obstacles which is obstructing their way towards development. Also grampachayat and district administration should take some positive efforts for the removal of any challenges and issues.

Working of Gram Panchayat on Village Development
The people are very cooperative and open-up to speak, but the representatives are quite less open-up to speak.
Lack of political education or awareness (because when I asked about MGNREGA scheme to Sarapanch, instead of giving information he asked me about the scheme).
There is women reservation in the panchayat election but once the women are elected their role is just like a rubber stamp, duties and responsibilities are fully managed by their husband and sons (in this panchayat, Sarapanch is a female but the interest is taken by her husband).

A village can be an ideal village only by the villagers. With their attempt they convert a village developed one and creates a secure environment. Every village or panchayat has some limitations, but as a resident we should try to tackle all problems. Similarly, in Mahimangad gram panchayat there are various issues, the villagers can overcome all issues with the help of each other. And about the working process of gram panchayat, they are managing very well with low funds. The representatives should be aware about their duties and responsibilities and create awareness among people.