Idea Challenge: Youth Impact Crucible
“My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation, out of them will come my workers. They will work out the whole problem, like lions.”
―Swami Vivekananda, Social reformer and Hindu philosopher
On the occasion of YIC grand finale, our Chief Guest Mr. Suresh Prabhu, MP shed light on the importance of Good Governance and the role that the Youth can play in the welfare of a country by taking collective action at various levels. The young people have the capability to lead the way to provide better quality governance to the people. He encouraged the young people to collectively become a part of the solution and not only be on the sidelines to criticize various issues. The youth are the agents of change and future leaders so it is of utmost importance now for the Youth to be the active citizens if they want to create an impact in the society.

About the Teams

A cash prize of Rs. 5,000 was awarded to the four teams as part of Youth Impact Crucible.

The Youth for Good Governance's (YfGG) flagship idea challenge - the Youth Impact Crucible (YIC) 2020 - had its Grand Finale on 15 October 2020 - incidentally World Students' Day. College students from across India churned out ideas that, if implemented, will make our country a better place to live in. And grassroots implementation will be the next big focus with the help of YIC's knowledge partners - StoneSoup, Vanashakti, Youth for Seva, and SWMRT.
The two key elements of the Grand Finale were a panel discussion on Youth participation and SDGs in 2020: An Indian assessment and the address by the chief guest Mr. Suresh Prabhu, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Minister. Mr. Prabhu said governance is the root cause of success or failure of countries. He outlined transparency, honesty, and complete commitment towards objectives as the key ingredients of good governance. He also said that governance should be developed not just at the national level and local level, but also across all sectors of human activity so as to achieve all sustainable development goals (SDG). He concluded by saying good governance is the only way of achieving richer, stronger, happier, and more secure society.